Parallelization checks many potential network states simultaneously, each showing the outcome of validating a particular set of transactions. By exploring these states, the network understands how each transaction would impact the ledger if it was validated. Once the check is over, the network reaches a common state, which reflects the outcome of the parallel validation.
There are two parallelization models: optimistic parallelization and state-access parallelization.
Distributing tasks among multiple nodes significantly reduces the transaction execution time, increasing the transaction processing speed. As such, networks implementing parallelization are generally more efficient than those with sequential processing models.
Parallelization addresses the blockchain scalability problem by distributing transaction validation across network nodes. This accelerates the process and allows for horizontal scaling. Horizontal scaling is the ability of the network to expand its resources by adding nodes during periods of higher demand and scaling down when the demand drops.
Parallelization minimizes the fees by distributing transactions to node subgroups, lowering costs compared to sequential processing where every node validates each transaction. Faster transaction speeds also reduce the competition for validation, further driving down the fees per transaction.
Parallelization is an approach to transaction processing offering a solution to the blockchain scalability problem. By executing transactions simultaneously and distributing their validation across multiple nodes, parallelization enables blockchain networks to handle more transactions, reduce gas costs, and achieve faster processing times.
The processes and transactions that occur outside the main blockchain, often used to enhance scalability.
A pricing mechanism that calculates the costs of smart contracts operations and transaction fees.
The number of transactions that a blockchain network is capable of processing each second.