


What Is EigenLayer?

EigenLayer is a blockchain protocol that introduced a novel concept called the "restaking collective" for Ethereum. This innovative approach creates a dynamic free market for decentralized trust.
Essentially, EigenLayer comprises smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, allowing Ethereum stakers to validate new software modules by opting into the protocol. This is achieved by granting EigenLayer contracts the ability to set additional conditions on staked ether (ETH), expanding the scope of security.

How Does EigenLayer Work?

1. Restaking for security and validation services

Ethereum stakers have the option to participate in EigenLayer by restaking their staked ETH. This involves offering security and validation services to specific modules within the Ethereum ecosystem. Stakers can contribute in two ways:

  • Solo staking: Stakers can operate nodes themselves, actively participating in the validation process.
  • Delegation: Alternatively, stakers can delegate the responsibility to operate nodes to other EigenLayer operators. This delegation offers a convenient option for stakers who may be interested in EigenLayer but prefer not to manage the technical aspects directly.

2. Module variety and participation

EigenLayer supports the creation of various types of modules, ranging from lightweight to hyperscale. These modules are designed to accommodate widespread participation from solo stakers, fostering a diverse and inclusive ecosystem.

3. Utilizing staker heterogeneity

EigenLayer recognizes and leverages the differences among stakers. Stakers vary in computational capacity, risk/reward preferences, and identity. Modules can tailor their requirements to match stakers' characteristics, promoting flexibility in the network.

Benefits of EigenLayer

1. Aggregated security for DApps

EigenLayer aggregates ETH security across modules, enhancing the overall security of decentralized applications (DApps) that rely on these modules.

2. Staging ground

EigenLayer acts as a testing ground for Ethereum innovations, allowing thorough testing before integration into the main Ethereum network. This includes experimental ideas like danksharding, a core feature of the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade.

3. Permissionless innovation

EigenLayer enables permissionless innovation, removing the need for innovators to build their own trust networks. Instead, they can rely on the security and decentralization offered by Ethereum stakers through EigenLayer.


EigenLayer's introduction of the restaking collective concept marks a significant step towards decentralized trust in the Ethereum ecosystem. By offering a platform for collaboration between Ethereum stakers and various software modules, EigenLayer not only enhances the security of decentralized applications but also fosters a more agile, decentralized, and permissionless environment for blockchain innovation.