BNB Chain Developer Specialization
Start your journey in blockchain engineering
Úroveň zručnosti
10 hodín 44 min
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The BNB Chain Developer Specialization offers a comprehensive and in-depth exploration of blockchain technology, equipping learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to become proficient blockchain engineers. This specialization consists of a series of courses designed to provide a well-rounded education in blockchain development, BNB Chain fundamentals, Web3 development, Solidity development, and digital assets.

Throughout the specialization, learners will engage in hands-on exercises that emphasize practical application and problem-solving. They will have the opportunity to work with popular blockchain platforms, programming languages, and tools, gaining valuable experience in developing decentralized applications and implementing smart contracts.

What you will learn

  • Grasp the Fundamentals of Blockchain: Develop a solid foundation by exploring the core concepts of blockchain technology, including consensus mechanisms, cryptographic principles. and the specific characteristics of the BNB Chain ecosystem. Understand the advantages and limitations of blockchain technology in various domains.

  • Understand Blockchain Security: Delve into the intricacies of blockchain security, including cryptographic techniques, secure key management, secure transaction verification, and prevention of common attacks such as double-spending, Sybil attacks, and 51% attacks. Discover best practices for securing blockchain-based systems.

  • Build Web3 Applications: Learn how to design, develop, and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) on blockchain platforms. Gain hands-on experience in writing smart contracts using popular programming languages such as Solidity. Explore the process of integrating and interacting with existing blockchain networks.

  • Tokenization and Digital Assets: Explore the concept of tokenization and its application in creating digital assets on the blockchain. Understand different token standards (such as BEP-20, BEP-721) and learn how to create and manage tokenized assets.

Quizzes will appear after the last video of every course.

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20 kurzov
1. Blockchain Basics
4 Videá
5 Kvíz
2. BNB Chain
2 Videá
5 Kvíz
3. Consensus Algorithm and Mining Blocks
4 Videá
5 Kvíz
4. Cryptography
4 Videá
5 Kvíz
5. Wallets
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
6. Smart Contracts
5 Videá
5 Kvíz
7. Solidity
6 Videá
5 Kvíz
8. Advanced Solidity Concepts
6 Videá
5 Kvíz
9. Web3
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
10. Decentralized Applications (dApps)
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
11. Oracles
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
12. DeFi
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
13. BEP-20 Token
2 Videá
5 Kvíz
14. Airdrop Smart Contract
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
15. NFT
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
16. Staking Contract
2 Videá
5 Kvíz
17. BNB Greenfield
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
18. Greenfield Architecture
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
19. opBNB
4 Videá
5 Kvíz
20. OP Stack
3 Videá
5 Kvíz
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