Source Code

Source Code

Community Submission - Author: Anonymous

Source code refers to a collection of lines of computer code, which are responsible for defining how a program (software) will function based on a list of deterministic instructions and statements. In essence, source code is the primary state of a software at the moment it is originally written.

As such, a source code consists of a set of instructions that can be written on various different computer programming languages, such as Java, JavaScript, C, Python, PHP, Go, Rusty, Solidity, and Haskell. All these programming languages have a common characteristic: they consist of a set of instructions for computers to follow in order to perform certain actions and produce particular outputs.

After being created the source code is often “translated” or compiled into a machine language that computers are able to understand and execute. In some situations, however, the source code is executed right away without the need for compilation (these computer programs are known as interpreters).

During the development of computer software, the source code stage is the initial working phase where programmers are able to read, comment and make edits before the program is finalized and eventually executed by a computer machine. Source code libraries make the work of software engineers, computer scientists, and programmers a lot easier because they are able to include remarks within the lines of code (for example, pieces of readable plain text with explanatory and insightful comments).

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