AWS Node Runners for BNB Chain
Easily deploy self-managed BNB Chain nodes on Amazon Web Services
مُستوى المهارة
15 دقيقة
وقت الإكمال
نظرة عامة على المحفظة
المزيد حول هذه الدورة

This hands-on course provides practical guidance for deploying BNB Chain nodes using AWS Node Runners—an open-source initiative that simplifies the deployment of self-managed nodes on Amazon Web Services (AWS) through deployable blueprints. This course is ideal for developers, infrastructure providers, and community members looking to host their own BNB Chain nodes.

What You’ll Learn

  • Node Infrastructure Basics: Understand the role of AWS Node Runners in providing streamlined solutions for deploying blockchain nodes and how it benefits developers.

  • Blueprint Overview: Explore the architecture of the AWS Node Runners blueprint for BNB Chain nodes, focusing on its design and key features.

  • Step-by-Step Deployment: Learn through a hands-on demonstration that walks you through deploying your own BNB Chain node on Amazon Web Services using the AWS Node Runners blueprint.

  • Web3 Development Resources: Discover additional AWS Web3 blueprints and solutions designed to further support your journey in Web3 development.

Disclaimer: The content provided in this course is fully designed by the respective partner. While Binance Academy facilitates the delivery of these courses, the content, opinions, and viewpoints expressed within are solely those of the university professors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Binance Academy or its affiliates. Participants should understand that the information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial or investment advice.

Varsha Narmat
Web3 Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services
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مُصمم بواسطة
1 برامج تعليمية
1. Deploy BNB Chain Nodes with AWS Node Runners
4 مقاطع فيديو
9 اختبار
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